A1 DRILLING & CONSTRUCTIONS LIMITED is a privately owned company which was established in Zambia in 2011.It is located in Plot No 9163,Great East Road ,Oppsite UNZA,Kalundu, Lusaka, Zambia. Also has got branches in Copperbelt & Kabwe.
The Company has well-trained and well-motivated staff committed to providing the best quality service the best quality service to our clients.
A1 DRILLING & CONSTRUCTIONS LIMITED has the capacity and expertise needed to satisfy all your Drilling & Subsurface exploration requirements.
All our works meet Local and International standards .We seek to become the borehole drilling Company of choice for customers who demand a professional staff at their service.
We conduct Geo-Physical and Hydro-Geological survey to locate a feasible point for borehole drilling. We strive for excellence in drilling with the use of advanced technology now available in the International Market.
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